Are your products facing different environmental challenges? Element的各种加速老化测试服务有助于确保您的产品和材料满足预期的功能和使用寿命. Assess material durability, performance, and longevity, 通过Element的专家测试,为您的产品性能注入信心.


What is Accelerated Weathering Testing? 

等待10年以上来确定一种材料或产品是否适合现实环境是不现实的. Accelerated weathering mimics real-world conditions, providing insights into product performance without the wait. 

它可以帮助评估涂层和材料对潜在环境破坏的抵抗力, or the impact of prolonged exposure, minimizing the risk of costly premature failures. Element提供一系列加速老化测试以及机械测试,以评估涂层/材料满足特定环境长期要求的能力.


Key Benefits of Accelerated Weathering Testing for You 

  • Protection Against all Environmental Factors我们的测试方法涵盖室内和室外环境场景, 因此,您可以确信您的产品已针对各种气候条件进行了全面评估.
  • Create Better, More Durable Products我们会调查由于测试而产生的任何缺陷——从颜色变化、开裂到腐蚀, 使您能够了解如何评估和提高产品的耐用性, quality, and safety.
  • Meet Industry Standards: Our tests and evaluations are aligned with global ISO, ASTM, or NACE standards, offering you an audit trail for potential questions or litigation.
  • Bespoke Solutions by Experts:由我们的专家为您量身定制项目和解决方案,以满足您独特的项目要求.
  • Versatile Materials Testing: From paint, coatings, sealants, fabrics, and automotive components, 我们的加速老化测试服务可评估各种材料的性能.
  • Specialists in Coatings Approvals and Performance:利用我们在加速风化方面的专业知识来确定您的产品是否适合满足环境影响.


Realistic Simulation for Faster Results 

With specialized environmental equipment such as salt sprays, UV cabinets, and environmental chambers, 加速风化比等待实际数据更快地为您带来有价值的性能信息. 它使您能够为可靠和持久的产品做出明智的决定,并确定它们在整个生命周期中对自然力量的抵御能力.


Time-Saving All-in-One Material Testing Efficiency

Beyond standard accelerated weathering tests like UV, Xenon Arc, and Carbon Arc, we offer diverse tests, including Paint and Coating Testing, Salt Spray, Salt Fog, Corrosion Testing, Chemical resistance, high temperature, and cryogenic exposure. At Element, we address all your material challenges in one place, 节省您的时间,并确保全面的评估,以更深入地了解您的材料的性能.

“At Element, 我们与客户合作,确保所执行的测试满足他们的个性化需求. 我们的专家可以帮助指导客户了解新旧标准的复杂性,并协助设计测试程序.  通过我们的卓越中心,我们为您的测试需求提供一站式服务.”

Stuart Sharman

Technical Manager

Our Accelerated Weathering Testing Capabilities

Element offers a full range of accelerated laboratory testing services, including but not limited to:

  • 盐雾(中性(NSS)、醋酸(AASS)、铜加速(CASS))
  • UV testing 其中包括纯紫外线、设定温度、冷凝和喷水控制
  • Xenon which can include pure xenon, humidity, temperature control
  • Xenon Arc -适用于对油漆和涂料的高质量表面处理至关重要的应用, especially when facing elevated levels of UV degradation
  • Carbon Arc - evaluates a product's resistance to deterioration in electrical, mechanical, and optical properties when exposed to light and heat
  • 气候室可以控制温度和湿度,并可以设置为不同的水平和渐变速率 
  • Cathodic disbondment both impressed and sacrificial anode
  • Immersion in various fluids
  • Pre-fire testing accelerated weathering (Hydrocarbon and Cellulosic)
  • Cryogenic exposure
  • Thermal exposure


Why Choose Element? 

Element通过了ISO 17025认证,其测试范围由不同地理位置的认证机构提供, (UKAS – UK, RvA – Netherlands, A2LA – USA). 

We operate a global network of fully equipped laboratories in the US, Europe, the Middle East, 亚洲提供广泛的加速风化测试等. Our Amsterdam center of excellence offers most of the industry-required weathering testing as well as mechanical, analytical, and electrochemical tests, 将我们定位为您所有测试需求的单一来源提供商.

Backed by many years of accelerated weathering testing experience, we will ensure your products are tested to the highest standards, and meet and exceed industry benchmarks, enhancing your brand's credibility for a competitive edge.

At Element, we're not just about testing; we're about ensuring your products stand the test of time. 

To learn more about Element’s credentials, please visit our About Us page. Contact us today 根据您的独特需求,体验卓越的加速老化测试. 

Element提供许多常见im体育平台app下载标准的加速风化测试, including those shown below, as well as custom specifications:


AMPP TM 21612

American Society for Testing & Materials

ASTM C793-05, ASTM D1171, ASTM D1499, ASTM D2126, ASTM D2247, ASTM D2565, ASTM D4329, ASTM D4355, ASTM D4459, ASTM D4587, ASTM D4674, ASTM D4798/D4798M, ASTM D5071, ASTM D5208, ASTM D5427, ASTM D5894, ASTM D6521-13, ASTM D6551, ASTM D6695, ASTM D7869, ASTM E408, ASTM E773, ASTM F1980, ASTM F1980-16, ASTM G147, ASTM G151-55

British European Standards

BS 7976-2, BS EN 1062-11, EN 16623

Defence Standards



EAD 350402-00-1106, EAD 350140-00-1106

General Motors Company Specifications

GM9327P, GMW 14124

International Organization for Standardization

ISO 105 B02, ISO 105 B06, ISO 11507, ISO 12944-6, ISO 12944-9, ISO 16474-1, ISO 16474-3, ISO 20340, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3, ISO 15711, ISO 19277, ISO 21809-1, ISO 21809-2, ISO 21809-3, ISO 11503


NACE TM0304, NACE TM0404, NACE TM 0185



OEM Specifications 

FORD FLTM BO 116-01, Honda HES D6601, NISSAN NES M0135, Peugeot PSA D47 1431, Toyota TSH1585G, VW PV1303

Society of Automotive Engineers

SAE J1885, SAE J1960, SAE J2020, SAE J2412, SAE J2527, SAE J575



ASTM G154 and G155 Explained

专家Terry Candlish讨论了用于评估阳光和水分暴露的ASTM G154和G155测试.


Weathering Testing: Explaining DIN 75 220

DIN 75 220是许多汽车制造商的测试要求,为帮助评估和提高产品质量和耐用性提供了关键的见解. READ MORE

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Automotive Weathering 

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Carbon Arc Testing

Carbon Arc Testing

Element provides carbon arc testing on plastics, 油漆和涂料以及其他加速老化测试方法,以鉴定新材料并确定其耐久性.

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Xenon Arc Testing

Xenon Arc Testing

Element is at the cutting edge of accelerated exposure testing, providing xenon arc testing to clients in the textile, polymer, paint, and automotive industries.

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Ultraviolet Exposure and UV Testing Services

Element在美国和欧洲提供加速老化和紫外线老化测试, providing weathering tests on polymers, coatings, metals and small components.

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Paint and Coatings Material Testing

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Salt fog and salt spray testing

Salt Spray Testing

Find out how our Engaged Experts conduct salt spray testing, 或天然盐雾(NSS),以评估腐蚀环境中涂层的完整性或测试产品或材料的耐腐蚀性.

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Sand and Dust Testing


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TGA 640 x 480

Thermal Analysis (DSC, TMA, DMA, TGA)

热分析方法测量在不同温度和负荷下的机械变化, 并能精确地指出在什么时候、什么温度下会发生重大的热事件.

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Thermal Shock Testing

From routine testing to complex, custom projects, 我们的专家支持多种类型机械冲击测试的测试协议开发和规范选择.

Vibration Testing Equipment

Vibration Testing


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Ingress Protection Testing

Ingress Protection Testing

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Fire Testing

了解我们在航空航天领域的防火能力和防火反应测试, automotive, construction, furniture, marine and rail sectors.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.